Friday, March 27, 2020

Aloe vera gel and juice: Benefits for Digestion, acne, hair, healthy gums- Healthcare

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Aloe vera plant
The virtues of Ghritkumari have been mentioned in the pages of the Rigveda. Used in many cosmetics, aloe vera is called superfood and is also known as a mysterious plant. Over the years, the utility and popularity of Aloe vera has increased considerably.
It is also known as Aloe vera in India as well as other countries. According to Ayurvedic researchers, in Sanskrit it is called "Kumari" due to the control of women's menstrual cycle. The aloe vera plant is the easiest way to get beautiful, spotless and shiny skin. Not only Ayurveda, the aloe vera herb has been given an important place in the Western system of medicine (allopathy) and every traditional system of medicines.
Aloe vera is not only popular in India due to its medicinal properties but it is also described extensively in ancient Egyptian documents. In Egypt, aloe vera is called the 'immortal plant'.
 Aloe is derived from the Arabic word 'alo' which means "shiny bitter substance". At the same time, Vera is a Latin word which means truth.

Watch video of aloe vera benefits by Rajiv Dixit


Botanical Name: Aloe Barbadensis Miller 

Family: Asphodelaceae

Common names: aloe vera, ghee kumari, kumari, gwarpatha

Sanskrit Name: Ghritkumari

Useful Parts: Leaves

Geographical Details: Aloe vera plant originated in Africa but this medicinal plant is also found in the dry regions of India and       Middle East. Aloe vera in India is found in Rajasthan, Andhra         Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra and Gujraj.


Aloe juice in Digestion:

aloe vera juice for digestion
Aloe vera juice

A high amount of fiber is contained in the juice of aloe vera, which is very important for improving digestion and bowel evacuation. It is also a natural laxative due to which aloe vera juice can be used to treat constipation. Drink two ounces of aloe vera juice when you feel constipated and positive results will be in front of you within 10 hours.

Aloe vera juice in Weight loss:

Regular consumption of aloe vera juice helps in weight loss. It stimulates our digestive system by acting as a laxative. Drinking its juice brings freshness in the body, increases energy levels and reduces weight.


Aloe vera is a boon for patients with diabetes. This not only keeps sugar levels under control, but also regulates the production of insulin. It also protects the liver, kidney and other organs from the damage caused by sugar. For best results, drink aloe vera juice daily for three months.

Immune system:

Aloe vera is a powerful anti-oxidant that empowers the immune system and provides the body with a shield against diseases. Drink aloe vera juice regularly and protect your body from bacterial and viral infections.

Healthy gums:

Aloe vera is extremely useful for gums and mouth due to its natural anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties. It is rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals that promote cell growth and relieve problems such as bleeding gums and ulcers in the mouth.


Aloe vera is also known as Ghritkumari. It is a very good moisturizer that makes hair thick and golden. It also helps in maintaining the pH balance of the hair. Also, aloe vera promotes hair growth with its rich nutrition, prevents them from falling and reduces itching by eliminating dandruff from the root.


Given the benefits of aloe vera for the skin, it is widely used. It hydrates and nourishes the skin and promotes the production of new cells. The face blossoms by applying aloe vera gel on the face. Apart from this, aloe vera is also used to cure skin related disorders like sunburn, burn scars, infections, allergies etc.
Acne is a common problem in which the sebaceous glands become more active and produce more oil. To get rid of acne, apply aloe vera gel on them twice a day and get beautiful and clean skin back.


Aloe vera gel is considered safe to apply, but unprocessed aloe vera juice extracted from latex can also cause harm and have harmful health consequences.

Aloe vera juice contains a substance called Anthraquinone which is laxative and when taken in large quantities can cause cramps, dehydration and diarrhea.
aloe vera uses
aloe vera gel uses
aloe vera juice
aloe vera for face
aloe vera for hair
aloe vera common name
aloe vera contains
aloe vera family



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